Almost everyone wants to have impact on the world, on other people’s life. We would all be altruistic if we could afford to be. So would I.
Now I am doing one of the most impactful things that I can do in my life: help promote a group of altruistic people dedicated to make the world better.
It is a non-profit organization 80,000 Hours. It is a British charity body. It is affiliated with Oxford University and has many of researchers from Cambridge, MIT and Harvard. Now it is located in Silicon Valley.
I figured if I can let more people see their work, I can help make a big impact on the world as a whole.
So, my dear readers, please have a look at their stuff. If you find it inspiring, or helps you in any way, I would be happy to know!
Check out their website:
80,000 Hours: How to make a difference with your career (
Most very useful practical ideas I got from them, and I really loved it:
Evidence-based advice on how to be successful in any job – 80,000 Hours (