– I am using ChatGPT4 Each summer I buy tickets to a local theatre and watch 4-5 shows there. Today I brought the tickets and wanted to add them into my diary (cos the ticket system didn’t provide ics files or calendar links.) There were 5 tickets and a lot of details that I really […]
Category archives: Productivity
A Shorter Workweek?在我的公司,我未来希望一周是六天,工作四天休息两天。
北辰有话说: 在我的公司,我未来会希望一周是六天,工作四天,休息两天。 一年 365 天是地球公转速度决定的,一天 24 小时是自转决定的。而一周 7 天则是圣经提到,基督的信徒们规定的。可是我们一定要让两千年前原始的人们告诉我们一周就应该是七天,一周就应该工作五天吗? 就好像有些国家的车在马路右边开,有的在左边开。一周几天其实是一个 coordination 问题。我们希望大家用的是同一种计量方式,同一种时间计算方式来更好地合作。但是目前的方式不代表就是最合适当下社会和人们的需求的。改变是有可能、有必要的。毕竟,当年瑞典还换过法律,从马路左边开变到右边开呢。 本文来自 NPR Radio 一个美国流行的节目叫做 Life Kit 。 我觉得这个访谈很有意思,翻译出来和大家一起交流交流。 译者:Tracy Zhang The 40-hour workweek isn’t working. Reducing it could help with productivity 一周 40 小时工作制不太行!缩短每周工作时长能够提高生产力 The five-day workweek can feel as preordained and immovable as the number of minutes in an hour. You wake […]
This is one highly impactful thing to do
Almost everyone wants to have impact on the world, on other people’s life. We would all be altruistic if we could afford to be. So would I. Now I am doing one of the most impactful things that I can do in my life: help promote a group of altruistic people dedicated to make the […]
What inspired me and what I enjoyed
Here I would like to share the things that inspired me and that I love. 1. People 1. Laval 2. Li Xiaolai (Chinese content mostly) 3. Ge Xu (Chinese) 4. Xia Peng (Chinese) 5. Paul Graham Paul Graham’s blog about startup and life in the US are inspiring. 2. Programming courses: 3. Youtube Channels: 4. […]
解决Mac 系统提示应用损坏无法打开的问题
问题 遇到不少下图中的问题, 所以在此记录一下解决方案. “Adobe Zii 2020 5.1.6.app” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should eject the disk image. xxx软件已损坏,打不开,您应该将它移到废纸篓 This item is on the disk image “Adobe Zii 5.1.6_TNT_AdobeZii.Com.dmg”. Chrome downloaded this disk image today at 9:46 AM from upload.adobezii.com. 解决方案 1 打开终端 (also know as terminal) (快捷键 cmd + 空格, 然后搜索即可) 输入 sudo […]